What’s the best arthritis medication for dogs?
Here’s a shocking fact: as many as 20% of dogs over one year of age show evidence of arthritis, and that number increases significantly with age. Now, put yourself in that dog’s paws, navigating life day after day with that kind of pain. For owners, it’s a heartbreaker-watching your pet slow down, stiffen up, and no longer join in on the things he loved. There’s hope. While conventional drugs can help with the condition, many experts will agree that natural supplements are among the best ways to support dog arthritis.
Let’s find out why.
Conventional Medications versus Natural Supplements
NSAIDs are among the most prescribed drugs veterinarians use on their patients because it greatly reduces inflammation and relieves pain associated with arthritis. They can take effect quickly, and in many cases, owners start to see a difference in a matter of days,” Dr. Freeman says. But with longer use comes serious side effects: irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the kidneys, and stress on the liver. This is the tightrope walk many pet owners face between near-term comfort and possible long-term damage.
On the other hand, natural supplements offer an effective solution without brutal side effects. So far, some ingredients, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, green-lipped mussel, and deer antler velvet, have given very amazing results. These act by supporting joint health, naturally reducing any inflammation, and encouraging, over time, repair in cartilage. Nature doesn’t have that “quick fix” as NSAIDs do; instead, it can result in longer-term improvements common for many dogs.
Why Natural Supplements Shine
So why are natural supplements the best medicine for dog arthritis? It all comes down to long-term joint health. Substances such as glucosamine and chondroitin will actually nurture cartilage and keep it protected; this in effect slows down rather than merely conceals the ache of arthritis altogether. Amazingly, many pet owners find that once their dogs finally get on one of these glucosamine combinations, they suddenly move around like new again.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin
These two ingredients are among the most popular natural canine arthritis supplements. Glucosamine helps to preserve the cartilage inside of joints. Chondroitin protects elasticity. The ingredients work together in harmony, protecting existing cartilage and repairing damaged tissue. It works much like joint cushions for your dog; that is, they absorb shock and smooth out all movement.
Green-Lipped Mussel
Green-lipped mussel is one of those seafood delicacies that is actually full of omega-3 fatty acids and a powerhouse in terms of anti-inflammatory benefits. It is often recommended as perhaps the key component to feature in joint supplements for its pain reduction and improvements it manages to carry out in flexibility. In fact, it has been shown that it makes dogs, even those with moderate to severe arthritis, show fewer symptoms. If you are thinking of any natural remedy, you mustn’t forget about this fantastic ingredient.
Deer Antler Velvet
This may sound exotic, but deer antler velvet is highly valued for its properties that support cartilage. It contains collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, and other nutrients actively involved in rebuilding the joint tissue. Not as wide in application as glucosamine, it is a rising star of holistic methods of arthritis treatment for its unique combination of natural components.
How to Take Supplements More Efficiently
With natural supplements, patience is indeed a virtue. While the results with NSAIDs can often be seen within days, natural remedies take their time; thus, with at least four to six weeks, you will already notice a considerable difference. Start with the recommended dosage and observe how your dog responds. Many owners within a couple of weeks of supplementation reported that their dogs were much better at getting around, less stiff, and generally seemed to have a happier canine companion.
Enhance the effectiveness of natural supplements with supportive lifestyle methods. A correct diet, weight control, and judicious amounts of exercise consistent with your dog’s capability will further accentuate the effectiveness of the supplements. Remember that any amount of recovered mobility is important to improving their quality of life.
Balanced Approach to Arthritis Care
Of course, natural supplements will not work for everyone as some sort of miracle cure. Advanced cases of arthritis may indeed be best served by using NSAIDs to temporarily take the edge off the pain while using natural supplements to support them over a longer period of time. You will need to speak with your veterinarian about how best to combine them according to the needs of your dog and, more importantly, if your dog has already reached an advanced stage of arthritis.
Choosing the Ideal Natural Supplement for Your Dog
The choices available on the market today are astounding. In a nutshell, you’ll want to consider those products with combinations of proven ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and green-lipped mussel. The better-quality brands tend to be pretty upfront about their sourcing and dosing recommendations. Rule out those that contain fillers or other unnatural ingredients; your dog only deserves the best.
All in all, there is no “cure” for arthritis, but proper medication for dog arthritis can certainly make all the difference. At any rate, natural supplements will be especially effective, gentle holistic approaches that bring long-term benefits without horrible side effects. In many dogs, this returns spring to their step and gives them a second go at enjoying life well into the later years of their lives at least with dignity.
Is that not what we want for our pets after all: a life without pain, full of joy?