At what age should dogs take natural supplements?

“Prevention is better than cure.” This age-old adage does not apply to us humans alone; our furry friends could benefit from it, too. Actually, 40% of dogs show early signs of arthritis before age five. That is a statistic that should give any dog owner reason to stop and ponder. Exactly when is the right time to start supplements for your dog? The short answer: It depends, but sooner is often better.

Early Years: The Foundation Years

Most of us think supplements are for older dogs, and while they indeed do much good in later years, starting young will set the stage for a healthier future. Puppies are balls of energy, growing rapidly during their first year. This period of fast growth places a huge amount of stress on their developing joints, muscles, and bones. The natural supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, will encourage healthy joint development from an early stage in the life of your puppy and make them grow strong and resilient.

But it is not all about the joints. Their immunity is developing, too, and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids or colostrum will help in enhancing their fight against infections and allergens. Think of these supplements as insurance – you are ensuring long-term health while giving them the best start in life.

Middle Age: Maintaining Health

For semi-older dogs – between three to six years of age – it’s vital to pay attention to general health. Most dogs in this age bracket come across as rather energetic and lively, but their internal systems have begun to depreciate. Joints could start to take strain from normal wear and tear, especially in larger breeds. This is the stage in life when nutritional supplements for joint health may prove to be a blessing; examples include green-lipped mussel and deer velvet.

And natural ingredients are the way forward here. Synthetic options might provide quick fixes, but natural supplements work in harmony with your dog’s biology. They enhance joint lubrication and reduce inflammation with no risk of side effects. At this stage in their lives, dogs may also appreciate digestive enzymes that will aid in absorbing vital nutrients and maintaining gut health for longevity and energy.

Senior Years: Supporting the Aging Body

Older dogs, those over seven, often need more comprehensive support. It is at this stage that supplementation can become much more targeted to address areas which will start to deteriorate with age: joint stiffness, inflammation, and lack of mobility are common complaints. Turmeric and MSM are among the natural supplements that take the pain away and give them better movement without recourse to harsh chemicals or synthetic additives.

But don’t forget about cognitive function. Much like humans, dogs also experience some degree of mental decline with aging. DHA is a natural omega-3 fatty acid known to help support canine brain health, which can keep your dog mentally sharp and reduce the risk for cognitive disorders.

Actionable Steps: When and What to Start

When to start supplements in your dog? A simple breakdown is as follows :

Puppies: If your dog is of a large breed or prone to joint issues, then joint supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin are a great starting place. For all breeds, immunity-boosting colostrum supplements may be considered.

Middle-aged dogs: Middle-aged dogs should ensure that attention is focused on both joint and digestive health. To this end, natural supplements one may consider include green-lipped mussel, deer velvet, and digestive enzymes.

Senior dogs (7+ years): A holistic approach works best, combining supplements that support joint, brain, and immune health. Look for turmeric, MSM, and DHA in your natural supplement regimen.

It is always better to consult with your veterinarian before introducing new supplements. However, as a general rule of thumb, earlier is always better when it comes to supplementing your furry friend. Natural supplements offer a gentler, safer way to support your dog throughout all life stages.

Why Natural Supplements Are the Best Option

Some of the greatest strengths of natural supplements are indeed related to their safety profile. While synthetic alternatives may carry with them toxic side effects, natural ingredients are more easily digested and metabolized by canines. It works in harmony with the body, enhancing certain natural processes without forcing chemical reactions.

For instance, green-lipped mussel is not only a powerful anti-inflammatory but also provides other basic nutrition such as omega-3s and antioxidants. In addition, deer velvet allows for the growth of joints without the prospect of damage to occur in the long term. Natural supplements will address the root cause of health problems rather than just masking the symptoms.


Supplementation isn’t only for aging dogs. If done early and continually along their lives, your dogs will enjoy a healthy life with lots of happiness. You will also be giving them the most with the least risk by choosing natural supplements. No investment in your dog’s health is ever too early or too late. Let nature take its course, and your dog will be grateful you did!